The ongoing civil war at Yale Law is an ugly sight to behold. At the root is the general historical antipathy of law schools toward the military. In the most ultimate hypocrisy ever, former Dean Kronman revealed the upper brass as sell-outs to the most dishonorable principles ever. They would only turn their backs on deeply-held hatred of their home country if the said country withheld vital funding. In the land of our enemies, such institutions would be burned to the ground without a moment's notice. Honor is a concept lost to useful idiots in the name of moral equilibriums, which exist more in the mind than in reality.
So, we come to the Solomon Amendment. Without it, Yale Law would have no qualms preserving the nondiscrimination policy so common to law shools these days. Actually, it took Yale a full year to realize fair yet grudging and resentful institution and enforcement to protect its undeserved yearly $350 mil Fed moneys. Yale would in fact have us believe DADT is the heart of the issue, when in fact its reaction to DADT takes the cake. A number of law schools tried to invoke the 1st amendment against the Solomon Amendment as if it were a violation of the 2nd amendment in some way (it's not) in the case FAIR v Rumsfeld in '03; how it managed to get all the way to the Supreme Court (at which point it was immediately struck down) has been beyond me.
And then in Oct '03, Navy JAG Recruiter Brian Whitaker went to Yale. The one student he was scheduled to meet with cancelled the planned interview after almost every other Yale Law student signed a publicly displayed petition indicating they'd never do so. And of course, this is where we dive underwater to see the rest of the iceberg.
But before we dive in, some stats declare to the high Heavens that we've got 5% of the world's population and train 70% of its lawyers. Now pay attention, because we're getting into part two. The ability for those on the left to readily and willingly sympathize with those trying to kill them is at the same time frightening and amusing. E.g. Jose Padilla. Found guilty by a jury of his peers, so legally guilty, the basis of a conviction as opposed to actual guilt - 'cause that's how the system works for
law-abiding Americans. But some of these guys saw an opportunity to trash out gov't and took it - and Padilla, guilty and convicted, was still able to file suit against John Yoo ('92 Yale grad) with help from Jonathan Freiman ('98 Yale grad - what nincompoop paid for this wasted education?) because some DoJ Office of Legal Counsel chief didn't have the guts in himself to fight terrorism full-on and decided to write about it. Again, a message to people on the left side of politial spectra: the American legal courts system makes use of a jury of peers not to
know if a crime was committed but rather to
decide just that - a representative sample in a just and fair Republic.
I simply do not get liberal psychology. Cuban expatriates s are still our allies and FARC still an enemy. There is a major difference between choosing a side, and choosing the lesser of two evils. I hear fellow students decry and denounce Cuban Americans every day, and I've heard arguments justifying the current and past actions of various regimes - Nicaragua, Iran, Vietnam to name a few - and the U.S. is painted in a bad light in each. It is as if...JFK had never existed. McKinley picked Roosevelt, FDR picked Truman and JFK picked Johnson. In some ways and with history as his guide, at least Bush was smart enough to have picked Dick Cheney. But I digress - this asinine digust for some American actions during the Cold War has manifest itself in our powerful bureaucratic legal system that refuses to come to terms that in this struggle, there are clear moral boundaries that they ought to prevent themselves from crossing to sympathize with the enemy. Because remember, before invading Poland, Hitler was the darling of liberals everywhere. There's more to this that can be remarked on later. Back to Yale...
Former Yale Law Dean Koh testified to the Feds against domestic FISA surveillance. That's so Yale. And let's not forget the most recent case in which a number of Yale students disrupted an event featuring 9th Circuit judge Jay Bybee (who'd collaborated with Yoo in the past). The protest was led by Yale '09 Paul and Daisy Soros Foundation New American Fellowship recipient Darryl Li, who protested the same individual at Harvard. That's a special kind of stalking, one designed to shut down oppposing viewpoints.
Uh, Li? It's repeated history waiting for you on line one.
(big h/t to
Scott Johnson)